Astrologers all over the country are scratching their heads today because Karl Rove has escaped indictment. Capitol Hill Blue says, It’s now known that Rove had discussed Plame’s CIA employment with conservative columnist Robert Novak, who exposed her identity less than a week later, citing two unidentified senior administration officials. Rove’s truth-telling to the FBI…

Because of Chiron’s unusual orbit, it often hooks up with one planet with which it dances over a long period of time. Between 1952 (before Chiron’s discovery in 1977) and 1986, Chiron opposed Uranus a total of 41 times. The Chiron/Uranus opposition is a strong significator in the birthchart of an individual who is becoming…

Woodcut from Adam McLean’s Alchemy site With the final hit of the opposition between Saturn and Chiron approaching, I thought it would useful to delve more deeply into these two planets over the next few days, beginning with the work of Marsilio Ficino on Saturn. Marsilio Ficino was a philosopher of the Renaissance, and quite…

Jude at Stars Over Washington has another view of the Full. Moon as it relates to the current US events, pointing out a kite formation tied to a (wide) Grand Trine. This formation is a little wider than I would normally pay attention to, with Jupiter retrograding at 9 degrees and therefore moving away from…

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