Everyone is asking me to do the chart of this new life, and although I do have a fascination for celebrities and people in the news I am much less interested in the potentiality of a newborn child. It’s the correlation between the actions of a celebrity and their planetary dynamics that hold the most…

Forbes has an interesting video from Arch Crawford, another astrologer specializing in financial advice (although in his case he is more of a financial expert specializing in astrological advice). You’ll notice if you watch the video (requires a highspeed connection) that he is careful to say he uses astronomy for his predictions, not astrology. Perhaps…

Robert Wilkinson offers an in-depth analysis of Rove’s chart. He goes into quite a bit of detail on Rove’s transits over the next few months: Lots of legal activity in Karl’s immediate future, due to begin this week and intensify the following week, when Mars conjuncts Saturn both in an exact opposition to his Mars…

Fiery Mars entered fiery Leo yesterday and begins moving towards a conjunction with the cold reality of Saturn. Meanwhile, Saturn and Chiron (wounding and healing) are very close to their final conjunction in a series that began in 2003, and the expansive optimism of Jupiter gets crushed in their embrace this week. None of this…

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