I’m taking a break Saturday so I can write the October Skywatch. Meanwhile here are some links for your reading pleasure: Philip Brown takes a look at Senator George “Macaca” Allen, something I’ve been meaning to do myself. Jeffrey reviews the film Hollywoodland and the Saturn/Neptune opposition. Jill links to and discusses Keith Olbermann’s perfect…

Two astrobloggers whom I hold in high esteem have quoted my ponderings on the “tripartite nature of Pluto” including Eris and Ceres. Their comments are really wonderful and help to expand this concept. From Jeffrey comes this beautifully written story of the Pluto drama: At the beginning of a Pluto transit, there is a sense…

You can tell Owen Wilson is unusual the first time you see him in a film. Shaggy hair, crooked nose: he doesn’t look like your everyday film star. And even though the parts he plays are typically the sophomoric doofus, his presence lingers and suggests a deeper and more complex character lies beneath. His chart…

The opposition from Saturn to Neptune was expected to decrease the supply of oil (Saturn is “dry” and Neptune is “wet”) causing oil prices to rise, but the addition of Jupiter’s expansive properties (in a square to Neptune) has boosted confidence in the world’s oil supply and prices have dropped. There has been some speculation…

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