Jill posted some interesting links on Discordianism which is evidently a quasi-pagan pseudo religion or a quasi-pseudo pagan religion, I can’t tell which. It may in fact be little more than a joke. Although this religion evidently began in the late 1950s, its first bible was published, not surprisingly, during the conjunction of Uranus/Pluto in…

There are some interesting events in the news that seem to tie in with the conjunction of Mars (aggression) and Mercury (communication) which are both in the sign of Libra where they seem to be opening new lines of communication. Venus, the ruler of Libra and the goddess of relationships, is in an exact opposition…

Along with the elevation to Planethood of 2003 UB313 (formerly known as Xena) now comes an official name: Eris, named after the Greek goddess that set off the Trojan war by throwing the golden apple into the circle of goddesses that would ultimately be for the fairest of them all. The goddesses (Athena, Aphrodite and…

(Washington, that is.) I can totally see why the Greek gods chose to live in the highest mountains – the stark majesty of these places are just incredible. We have seen things of such a tremendous scale over the past few days on our journeys through Olympic National Park. We went up to the top…

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