I’ve just found a great site called the Book of Thoth thanks to a link from Astrococktail. (Thoth is the Egyptian god of wisdom, and many believe that Thoth was actually an Atlantean priest who brought the secrets of magic to the Egyptian kingdom.) On this site I found this fascinating article by C. Clogston…

Art by Nicole Mizoguchi Robert Wilkinson has a beautiful article up today on mastering the changes that life brings on the road to personal evolution. Here’s an excerpt: Each of the parts of our lives, inner and outer, has a rhythm of its own. Our bodies, feelings, mind and higher Self all have their rhythms…

National Ledger has my profile of Beyonce Knowles up on their site (turn on your popup blocker! I’ve snipped part of the article here, you can read it there if you’re interested. But her chart has some fascinating configurations which may help to explain her starpower. Venus in Beyonce’s chart is part of the Libra…

Lunar eclipses occur when the Full Moon (Moon opposing the Sun) occurs close to the nodes of the moon (the point at which the sun’s path and moon’s path meet). Molly at North Node.com has a lovely animated graphic that shows how an eclipse works. The nodes of the moon describe our evolutionary journey, with…

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