The relationship between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie has been extremely mysterious. An interview with Angelina Jolie that appeared in Vogue in March 2004 at the time filming on Mrs. and Mrs. Smith began says “Casting Jolie and Pitt as a married couple at odds is quite inspired. They could not seem more different. ‘It’s…

The Sun enters Capricorn tonight at 8:06 pm EST, bringing with it the Winter Solstice Under the tropical zodiac system*, the Sun enters Capricorn on the date that coincides with the shortest day of the year which we call the Winter Solstice. Associating the sign of Capricorn and its ruler Saturn with the time of…

In the 2,000 year old tale that we know as the Christmas story, three wise men came out of the east following a star to Bethlehem. The three wise men were Magi, members of the priestly class of Persia. Ancient historian Diodorus tells us that after Persia invaded Babylon, the Magi learned astrology from the…

Dharmaruci has a great post today on what he calls “conviction politicians,” those who “pursue a particular course of action regardless.” Politicians frequently present themselves as “conviction politicians” in order to convince voters that they are principled, that they will not be swayed by the demands of political expediency and career aspirations. What it comes…

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