As you know if you’ve been reading this and other astrology columns over the past six months or so, we are in the middle of a major planetary cycle involving an opposition between Saturn, and its desire to create societal structures such as buildings but also governments and marriages, to Neptune, the planet which seeks…

Jeffrey was the first astrologer to link to my blog, and I naturally have a soft spot in my heart for him. With his first house Pluto he is often reluctant to participate in the memes that reveal bloggery secrets, but now you can learn all about Jeffrey in this interview. Jeffrey has several blogs…

This seems to echo both of the major planetary cycles going on right now: the square of Jupiter (overconfidence) to Uranus (technology and innovation) and the opposition between Saturn (government structure) and Neptune (mystery and deception): Iran has converted one of its most powerful ballistic missiles into a satellite launch vehicle. The 30-ton rocket could…

I just stumbled upon another astrology blog, this one from Neil Paris in the UK. He has a great post on possible manifestations of the Jupiter/Uranus square that we are experiencing this year: Religious exile – people abandon their previous beliefs, members of the church quit, resign or are fired, or change faiths altogether, or…

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