Ryan O’Neal was arrested for assaulting his son Griffin this week, although Ryan claimed he was defending himself from an attack with a fireplace poker. Growing up with Ryan O’Neal can’t have been easy; all of his children have suffered from drug addiction and other problems. Even young Redmond, child of a relatively stable relationship…

In the year or so that I’ve offered the Skeptics Challenge, Paul is just the second person to participate. He sent me his birth date and time and I sent him a short reading which he has reproduced on his site here. He conducted a “scientific” experiment where he took the two most general statements…

Recently I’ve been doing more typed readings. Typically I prefer telephone readings because they’re more interactive, but the typed readings are powerful because there’s no instant feedback, no assurance that I’m on the right path. Just me and the computer and the birthchart, and the voice in my head that directs me which I have…

Diana shares her experience of Comet McNaught: My first sighting of comet McNaught was with a group of people, all gazing expectantly into the darkening twilight, and it was a little girl who caught first glimpse. And as our eyes focused on the fuzzy bit of brightness, and its awe-inspiring tail…that same little girl squealed…

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