I’ll be adding my point of view on the upcoming March eclipse series as we get closer to the event, but meanwhile Jeffrey has written a great article on the subject: Anticipation of eclipses tends to bring out a “sky is falling” mentality in many people, especially if the eclipse closely conjuncts the Sun in…

Hillary Clinton’s campaign is sniping at former supporters who are flirting with the idea of supporting Barack Obama. Says Arianna Huffington at a campaign event for Obama this week, “It’s like being married, and suddenly you fall in love. You’re a good person, and a loyal person … you have a history with the Clintons,”…

Unless your political views fall on the right side of the aisle, it’s hard not to like Al Franken. I have long been a fan of Al Franken, even though his trivialization of the power of affirmations (via Stuart Smalley on Saturday Night Live) went against the grain of my own belief system. Still, he’s…

Image from Bella Online, source unknown. Lovely Venus has entered the sign of her warrior lover Ares, leaving the misty realms of love and universal compassion for the battleground. Venus in Aries seeks the courage to stand up for ourselves and achieve our own needs, even while in relationship with others. In Aries, Venus establishes…

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