As I wrote last fall: “The opposition of Saturn to Neptune which began in late August and continues until next summer was predicted to bring the end (Saturn) of illusions (Neptune). It was, after all, the dominating planetary influence during the Watergate scandal. Neptune tends to erode the power structures of Saturn, and Saturn tests…

I have resisted writing about the recent announcement that the Edwards campaign will continue despite the announcement that Elizabeth Edwards’ breast cancer has returned. Mostly this is because I feel a great deal of judgement about that decision, and I also feel it’s not for me or anyone else to judge the life decisions that…

I’ve been meaning to post this for some time, but the Townleys’ wonderful website Astrococktail has a great article about the Astroblogosphere featuring yours truly and friends: Because this is the blogosphere, there’s lots of overlapping or conflicting opinion, but it’s the more informative because the stance is generally one of seeking and sharing rather…

Cancer has returned this week for both Elizabeth Edwards and Tony Snow, bringing the subject to the forefront of everyone’s thoughts. I have a post cooking on the marriage of John and Elizabeth Edwards but I have been thinking about Tony Snow. Even though he’s on the other side of the political aisle from mine…

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