If you need a reason to urge the Bush administration before its Monday deadline to protect polar bears and their habitat, meet Knut, the rescued polar bear cub at the Berlin Zoo: Watch the video, then go to the NRDC site to easily send your message to the Fish and Wildlife Service. The Alaska Senate…

“Easter Morning” by James B. Janknegt While you’re all nibbling on chocolate bunnies and hunting for easter eggs, I thought you might enjoy another take on this multidimensional holiday from a 1931 lecture by G. de Purucker, Gnostic scholar: Easter is a beautiful season of the year. It is not merely a day, it is…

I found this article on Elsa’s Astrology News feed from astrologer John Marchesella who equates the certification process with eating your spinach: We could tell you in no uncertain terms that knowing the math by heart really does explain a lot of the astronomy of astrology. We can also assure you that a professional astrologer…

To Americans in the Heartland, Rudolph Giuliani was the mayor who led the people of New York through the difficult days after September 11 2001. While the President read a storybook to children and the Vice President fled into a bunker, Rudy Giuliani was the leader that all eyes turned to. To many New Yorkers,…

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