Few topics are as hotly disputed among astrologers as the question of whether the “void of course” moon has an effect on our daily lives. Early in my career I carefully watched for the void of course moon but found no correlation and no effect. That doesn’t necessarily mean that there is none, because different…

Mars snuck into Taurus on the 24th, leaving behind the brash confidence of Aries where it is most at home. In the story of the tortoise and the hare Mars in Aries is represented by the hare, who after boasting that he was the fastest runner ended up losing the race because in his reckless…

Last year we were told that Echinacea does not prevent colds; a new report says that researchers have REviewed a dozen studies and have REvised conclusions from these studies to show that as suspected by herbalists for hundreds of years, echinacea really does help to strengthen the immune system: The studies they reviewed took into…

Nancy Waterman skewers the fourth branch of government today: As long suspected, it was always the secretive, dark shadow of the multi-tentacled Cheney standing behind the torture memos, the decimation of the Bill of Rights, the environmental deregulation, and a host of other nefarious and destructive Bush policies. With the Cheney monster’s maw now visible…

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