Whether you love him or hate him, there’s no denying that Michael Moore is a force of nature. A look at his birth chart helps to explain why. Although Moore was born under the sign of Taurus, a sign that gives resilience and persistence as well as a deeply stubborn nature, but is associated more…

I don’t know if this falls under Saturn/Neptune (waking up from our illusions about the health of the planet) or the reclassification of Ceres which seems to be associated with a burgeoning concern for the health of the planet. But whatever astrological category it falls in, scientists have discovered that a five acre glacial lake…

Everyone wants to be happy, but happiness is a choice that we make rather than an outcome. We all think “If I could only be married, then I’ll be happy.” Or, “when I can have a child, then I’ll be happy.” We focus on the pursuit of happiness and miss the opportunity to choose at…

John’s newly redone and fabulous Matrix site has been the site of several interesting celebrity and political profiles lately. Here’s what John says about Nicole Kidman: For a light, last-degree Gemini Sun with a merry, optimistic Sagittarius Moon, there’s a dark side to Nicole Kidman that her intensely cloaking Scorpio Ascendant hides even under its…

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