The combination of Mars in Gemini, the sign of communication, opposed to Pluto in Sagittarius denotes an escalation of verbal confrontation, threats of war and the concept of speaking truth to power. Rather than seeing outright war in the news, such as we have seen with Mars square to Pluto, we are seeing events that…

I’ve been watching the new HBO show “Tell Me You Love Me” which is a dream for anyone interested in analyzing relationships. The show details the intimate emotions and sexuality of three young couples in various stages of marriage and it’s the kind of drama that makes you wince because it’s so real. The first…

Evidently the fashion industry has declared that hemlines will go lower this year, causing many to speculate about the anecdotal link between hemline length and the stock market. For the past few fashion seasons hemlines have been high and the stock market has continued to climb. This fall’s fashions reveal a lower hemline, and down…

JM, as always, has an interesting take on the current Mars/Pluto opposition: Anybody getting into verbal quarrels deeper than ususal these days? Mars in Gemini (communication) will be spending the whole week closing in on the opposition to Pluto (death) in Sagittarius. People are dying to be understood. Speech is primary to human survival, coming…

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