Thanks to Elsa as always for finding this interesting article from Theodore White, a traditional astrologer, about upcoming fall events. As many of you know, I have a strong dislike for the consideration of certain planetary events or placements as “bad” or “good.” Some are easier and some are more challenging, but it’s often the…

Elsa and Neith have both posted on Matthew the Astrologer’s blog which I just found today. It is really hilarious! Here’s his take on astrological excuses for bad behavior during the excuse the eclipse: ARIES: “Nothing was happening, so I made it happen. Don’t blame me because the barbecue wasn’t starting fast enough. Besides, your…

Fred Thompson announced his bid for the presidential election last week just in time for the eclipse. You wouldn’t think an eclipse would be the best time to begin an endeavor like running for President, but Fred Thompson wouldn’t care about small things such as this. With four planets in his chart including the Sun…

A new scientific study reveals that political orientation is related to differences in the way different brains process information. Participants were college students whose politics ranged from “very liberal” to “very conservative.” Scientists instructed them to tap a keyboard when an M appeared on a computer monitor and to refrain from tapping when they saw…

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