I was interested to find this article about the growing acceptance of astrology in the business world, since it has long been my fantasy to work with Human Resource departments to explain the behavior of employees: Fate and timing have a vital role to play in the success of a business — or so say…

If you have any question about where the balance of power in the world is heading, check out this article from Mother Jones entitled “The Last Empire: Can the world survive China’s rush to emulate America’s way of life?” The grander astonishment is the most massive and rapid redistribution of the earth’s resources in human…

(Disclosure: Obama is my pick for President in 2008). One year ago I wrote an astrological profile of Barack Obama when it appeared he had some real staying power for the Democratic party. Previously he had been little known other than as a junior senator from Illinois and for an exceptional keynote speech he delivered…

Portrait of Benazir Bhutto by Daisy/Lapata I have not had the time to work on the profile of Ms. Bhutto which I promised some of my readers, but Jessica Murray (author of Soul Sick Nation) has done it for us on the About Astrology site (thanks Molly!): The Jupiter-Pluto conjunction that we have mentioned before…

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