One of the things I believe we’ll be facing over the next few years as Pluto travels through Capricorn is the erosion of the structures that support our human lives on the planet. Bridges, tunnels, buildings – all are ruled by Capricorn and subject to transformation while in Pluto’s domain. Governors meeting the other day…

Dharmaruci evidently hasn’t been swept away by Obamania as I have, so his post on Obama as “The Medicine Man” is a clearer-headed one than any you will find in this column: The man creates a very strong impression on people. One of the strengths of astrology is that it can stand outside of strong…

With transiting Mars bearing down on my own Mars which is already being pressured by Pluto, I found this a wonderful bit of wisdom: One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, “My son, the battle is between 2 “wolves” inside us all. One is…

Here is a questionnaire from a sincere questioner who would like to determine whether astrology has any validity, but their only knowledge of astrology is from the “astrology” columns on the comics page. The only problem is – sun sign astrology will not hold up under any kind of scrutiny, much less something this well…

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