The other day I was talking to a few black gentlemen in their 60s about the possibility of a black president, and one of them said, “Yeah, but how long will he live?” For many years I heard from my black friends this kind of conspiracy thinking and it didn’t mean much to me until…

quote is from Margaret Mead There’s no doubt that we are seeing a shift on the world stage along with the shift of Pluto into Capricorn last month. It seems that people all over the world are thirsting for change – to break down (Pluto) the old establishments (Capricorn) and rebuild something better. Fidel Castro…

Last night’s eclipse was spectacular! We had a thick blanket of clouds here, but the clouds parted long enough to expose the eclipsed Moon through a smoky light. I wish I had decent nighttime photography equipment. Of course it kept me up all night – recently I find I don’t sleep during the Full Moon…

We’ve been talking in these pages about the generational impacts of this year’s presidential election, including the early boomers (Pluto in Leo), late boomers and generation X (Pluto in Virgo) and generation Y (Pluto in Libra). Each group as a generation carries the impulses of the sign that Pluto was in. But there is another…

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