Barack Obama quit his longtime association with the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago today. Under the influence of transiting Pluto (destruction) in opposition to Venus (relationships) in Obama’s chart, the longtime association between Obama and Pastor Jeremiah Wright blew up in a very public way. This bustup was coming for quite some time,…

Cows by Tyler Larson New research shows that cows eating an organic diet produce milk that contains more omega-3 and linoleic fatty acids that have been proven to improve human health. Plus, their milk tastes better. Milk from organic cattle that eat a fresh grass diet is likely to be better for your health, according…

Scott McClellan is not the first Bush insider to write an expose of the disaster that is the Bush presidency, but he is the most surprising. James Hoopes, author of Hail to the CEO: The Failure of George W. Bush and the Cult of Moral Leadership says that Bush is the target of more tell-all…

A reader emailed me a few months ago asking if there was a correlation between the rise of pet abuse cases and Saturn in Virgo and while I dismissed it at the time the recent news about abuse of small children by UN peacekeepers (Saturn = authority figures) caused me to rethink this connection. Because…

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