This comes as Saturn approaches within one degree to an opposition of Uranus. Mars today is in an exact square to Chiron which just turned direct and this event is certain to push with aggression (Mars) old wounds (Chiron) in the Middle East.  A U.S. military official said the raid by special forces targeted the network of al-Qaida-linked…

In this blog I try to present as balanced a viewpoint as possible when analyzing the astrological charts of public figures.  But we are facing a historic election and I am unabashedly using this pulpit for a political message:  Vote for Barack Obama on November 4. Today’s spiritual leaders have gathered together to present the…

Ray Merriman has a new article up about Saturn in Virgo and the Saturn/Uranus opposition. Ray writes: Saturn in Virgo … relates to the growing frustration of those who do the work – the working class, the middle class. They look around and they see that they do all this work. Yet when the business…

“The Wounded Healer” by Alex Grey. Chiron has been traveling retrograde since May 25, and changes direction today.  It has been virtually at a standstill since August, holding our feet to the fire as we release the wounds of our past in order to gain in wisdom and true knowledge. The accumulated understanding we’ve gained over the past…

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