A reader wrote to me the other day about an article she had read where a Vedic astrologer predicted that Obama would be assassinated because Ketu (the South Node of the Moon) would be conjunct Obama’s Sun. I dearly want to respect my colleagues, but I feel that when we predict death of any kind…

Newsweek has an article online that has been the topic of much discussion: Is technology changing our brains? A new study by UCLA neuroscientistGary Small adds to a growing body of research that says it is. And according to Small’s new book, “iBRAIN: Surviving the Technological Alteration of the Modern Mind,” a dramatic shift in how…

Rich sent me this dissertation on the Two Cows Phliosophy of Government a few weeks ago, and then when I saw it on Twilight’s blog it triggered some ponderings on the relationship of astrology to this new governmental theory.   Socialism:  You have two cows. You keep one and give one to your neighbor. This is…

Astrology is a wonderful tool for explaining human behavior, for timing periods of challenge and change, and for providing a map to navigating our way through life most effectively.  What it can’t do, though, is predict an event with any certainty.     That’s not to say that astrologers don’t try.  Earlier in the year,…

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