(Click on the image to open up a larger view of the new chart.)  The latest NCGR newsletter reported that this conspiracy site has located a copy of John McCain’s birth certificate with a time listed of 6:25 pm.  I’ve posted this new birth certificate here, the quality isn’t very good but you can see that…

It’s interesting to see the way the fears of Pluto in Sagittarius is giving way to Pluto in Capricorn. In Sagittarius we fear (Pluto) the end of expansion, the end of available credit, the end of freedom, all Sagittarian concepts.  As a result, governments (Capricorn/Saturn) around the world are starting to pour money and capital…

Henry Weingarten and Ray Merriman get a good writeup here.   Henry says, “he’s been telling clients to keep lots of cash handy and advised them to buy Friday and sell Monday. Weingarten said he’s not right all the time, but using astrology along with looking at fundamentals and technical analysis allows him to be…

Image shamelessly stolen from Elsa.  How perfect, that as Saturn opposes Uranus he gets a whole new audience off-Broadway (of course it’s off-Broadway rather than the more mainstream Broadway, Uranus is involved!).  A new play by Noah Haidle called Saturn Returns opens tonight.   From the Lincoln Center article: “The planet Saturn’s orbital return to its position…

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