If you’re just finding us, catch up with Part I and Part II.  The first stage of the opposition is beginning to align at this moment, and in the US election we’re seeing a vivid portrayal of the battle between the new America (Barack Obama) and the old America (John McCain).  Saturn represents the voice…

The Moon is full today at 4:03 pm EDT with the Moon at 22 degrees Aries opposing the Libra Sun. Under the influence of the Full Moon, the Aries influence of the Moon supersedes the solar power of Libra and injects a note of individuality and primacy of one’s own needs (Aries) over the desire…

Beliefnet has rolled out a great new site with a great new look.  Unfortunately, their timing during Mercury retrograde was not particularly auspicious and there have been a lot of problems, including this blue background and black type.  I suggest that you use your “select all” codes to highlight the text which will make it…

The Saturn/Uranus series will conclude tomorrow. The Hopi Indians have long understood the need for an Age of Purification to return our world to a more natural state. As we watch the Zeitgeist movies and contemplate the upcoming  planetary cycles that will carry us into the Times of Change, these words, attributed to the Hopi…

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