by Lynn Hayes.  This is written for Eastern time zone – please adjust accordingly for your own part of the world.  The Moon continues its passage through Aquarius today, stopping this morning to bridge the gap between the Chiron and Neptune.  The Moon is typically not very emotional in Aquarius, so we will experience less…

This is a research project that I have been pondering, and now astrologer Rodney Smith has done the work for me:   The interest in the Void-Of-Course moon (VOC) and the presidential inauguration on this blog has prompted me to do some research. Where a President dies or resigns the office, the Vice-President completes the…

I’m going to try an experiment and make an attempt to provide daily updates on the smaller planetary cycles. Partly this is for my own use, to help me to stay aligned with the planetary motions, and partly it’s for you, dear readers.  I hope you find it useful. Today is the big Eclipse, which…

Mercury retrograde periods are a great time for reposting!  I’m taking a few days off for some other creative projects so meanwhile please enjoy some of my favorite articles from the past, and please be kind to each other in the comments.  In browsing around for interesting astrology news I came across this in a…

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