Philip Sedgwick has a post on his new blog at Matrix that is chock full of interesting points to share.  Philip is an interesting astrologer – he was one of the first astrologers to work with the Galactic Center point which was so much in the news over the past few years as Pluto made…

Mercury turned retrograde yesterday, and the stock markets all over the world responded today with the expected reversal that usually occurs during Mercury Rx periods.  In the US, the Dow Jones Industrial Average appears to have peaked around January 6 when Mercury (communication and ideas) began separating from Jupiter (optimism and opportunity) and reality began to…

by Lynn Hayes Reality Sandwich is a very interesting webzine with a fascinating array of opinions and news, including this essay on the necessity to use the breakdown of the current economic system to recreate something that is more easily adaptable to our future world.  As many of us know Pluto, the planet of death…

Like December’s Full Moon, tonight’s Full Moon will be the biggest Full Moon in 2009. I certainly noticed its power at 3 am last night when a huge lunar floodlamp filled my bedroom!  Spaceweather says it’s as much as 14% wider and 30% brighter than the usual Full Moon.  It’s sitting right on a sensitive…

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