by Lynn Hayes.  This is written for Eastern time zone – please adjust accordingly for your own part of the world. The Moon continues its harmonious travels through Aries as it forms a sweet and healing aspect with both Chiron at around 9 am EST and Neptune at around 1 pm, activating in a much…

…according to this article in the Saudi Gazette (thanks Elsa): Belief in astrology and the casting of horoscopes are in clear opposition to the letter and spirit of Islam. It is really the empty soul, which has not tasted real Iman (belief) that seeks out these paths. Essentially these paths, represent a vain attempt to…

by Lynn Hayes.  This is written for Eastern time zone – please adjust accordingly for your own part of the world. Planetary weather is quiet in the morning, and then the Moon brings us a delightful series of harmonious transits.  The Moon is in Aries, where she is energetic, forceful and independent.  Our physical energy…

by Lynn Hayes.  This is written for Eastern time zone – please adjust accordingly for your own part of the world. The Moon and planets are quiet this morning, but the Moon is void of course, meaning it will make no aspects to any other planets, until it moves into Aries at 4:24 pm.  Void…

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