by Lynn Hayes.  This is written for Eastern time zone – please adjust accordingly for your own part of the world. The Taurus Moon will be forming a square to both Chiron and Neptune between midnight and 2 am EDT, creating a need for a practical solution to any emotional problems that we’re dealing with…

by Lynn Hayes I’m reading an out-of-print book by astrologer Ry Redd called Toward a New Astrology that is quite interesting.  Redd went through thousands of Cayce’s readings and extracted the astrological signatures for each individual.  It is astounding that Cayce, with no astrological training and without casting a chart, was able to pick up…

by Lynn Hayes.  This is written for Eastern time zone – please adjust accordingly for your own part of the world. The Moon has entered Taurus, the Venus-ruled sign of financial security and material comforts.  The Taurus Moon is fertile and the Moon is waxing now, making this an excellent time to begin planting in…

by Lynn Hayes.  This is written for Eastern time zone – please adjust accordingly for your own part of the world. We are already approaching a challenging square from Mercury to Pluto that will culminate tomorrow morning at around 8 am EDT, adding intensity to our thoughts and communication that can lead to power struggles…

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