by Lynn Hayes.  This is written for Eastern time zone – please adjust accordingly for your own part of the world. One of the more recent comments I received in response to the survey is a request for the Daily Skywatch the day before.  I think that’s an excellent idea (I just read it this…

Perhaps one of my Australian readers can enlighten me!  The ACMA Secret Censoring Blacklist has included my post on Astrology and the False Identity, according to the website  I’m listed right there along with babesf*%&k and brutalsexpics.   Has Astrological Musings become a victim of Pluto in Capricorn’s desire for more and more Big…

When I was at the Blast astrology conference in September I attended a lecture by Deb Houlding, proprietess of the fabulous Skyscript website, on the ancient art of Horary.  Although my astrological skills fall squarely in the field of modern astrology, which is more humanistic and geared towards spiritual evolution than the more ancient methods,…

by Lynn Hayes.  This is written for Eastern time zone – please adjust accordingly for your own part of the world. The Moon is translating the conjunction of Chiron and Neptune today.  What the heck does that mean?  Chiron and Neptune are still a few degrees apart in the sky, but the Moon will pass…

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