by Lynn Hayes. This is written for Eastern time zone – please adjust accordingly for your own part of the world.
The Moon leaves Aquarius for Pisces at 1:55 am, and there is a heightened sensitivity and openness to the experiences of others now. The Pisces Moon is exceptionally creative and artistic, so the next few days are great for music or other artistic ventures.
The Moon is relatively quiet today, with only a harmonious sextile to the Sun at around 2:30 am which brings our emotions in harmony with our conscious mind, and a sextile to Pluto at around 8 am which adds a depth and intensity to our experience. If you have to have a difficult conversation with someone. Monday would be a good day for that!
Venus is approaching a collision with Mars which will occur tomorrow (the 21st) at the 29th degree of Pisces, creating a sense of urgency around our relationships with others and our values in general. Mars is moving more quickly than Venus now because Venus is at a standstill as she prepares to turn direct again, and Mars tends to be in a bit of a hurry anyway. Again, integration between our individual needs (Mars) and the need for balance and harmony with others (Venus) is called for here.