by Lynn Hayes In the astrological language, Uranus is the planet of rebellion and revolution against the establishment.  The more repressive the establishment, the more radical the rebellious behavior becomes.  Yesterday I wrote about modern piracy being signified by the current opposition between Saturn, representing the repressive establishment, and Uranus, the rebel. Johann Hari has…

by Lynn Hayes Researchers from Honda Motor Company have developed a new way to analyze human brain patterns and translate them into commands for their new generation of robots.  Several years ago I predicted that in the Age of Aquarius, at which we are on the brink, the distinction between the human brain and technology…

by Lynn Hayes photo from Nick Ryan’s website.  When I first heard about the new epidemic of piracy in Somalia I confess I thought it was a joke. Pirates, I thought, were the legendary ruffians that terrorized the Caribbean hundreds of years ago.  It turns out I was wrong, and piracy is alive and well…

by Lynn Hayes   Mars conjunct Uranus, now through Thursday (aspect is exact on Wednesday): Both are in Pisces now where there is a tendency for confusion about one’s motivations.  This can lead to some difficulty as Mars and Uranus create a reckless disregard for rules and safety.  We are particularly accident prone now so…

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