Tune in Sunday morning at 10 am Eastern when we’ll be discussing the astrology of relationships.  What does it mean when two people are compatible?  What are soulmate relationships?  How to use astrology to gain a better understanding of the way our relationships work, and how we can improve them.  These are all topics we’ll…

by Lynn Hayes I was taking in my daily dose of hilarity on Matthew’s blog this morning where he has a post about asteroids that begins with a comment about Lincoln’s Sun being conjunct Lucifer which has caused some astrologers to say that Lincoln is the Antichrist”   The whole thing about Lucifer being Satan…

by Lynn Hayes The recent cyber-attacks on government computers in the United States and South Korea coincide with the square (90 degree aspect) from Mars (warfare, aggression) to the Triple Conjunction of Chiron, Jupiter and Neptune which is still tightly in alignment.  On a personal level that Triple Conjunction has served as a call from…

by Lynn Hayes Chiron was discovered in the late 1970s, and although many astrologers still seem not to include it in their practice, it has been an important part of my work for over 20 years.   Chiron is an important part of the planetary energy that is taking place right now since it is…

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