Tune in to Astrological Musings on Blog Talk Radio this and (almost) every Sunday morning at 10 am Eastern for a lively discussion about the exciting planetary events coming up in September.  Mercury is preparing to turn retrograde, Pluto has been retrograde and getting ready to turn direct, we’ll have a snazzy New Moon that…

by Lynn Hayes Saturn and Uranus are now within two degrees of their exact opposition which culminates on September 15.  As you probably now, Saturn represents conservative thinking and conventional behavior, and Uranus represents that which is new and innovative.   Perhaps this wasn’t the best time to roll out healthcare reform in the United…

by Lynn Hayes You may have seen the beautiful waxing Moon illuminated by Jupiter over the past few nights as the Moon passed through Aquarius and transited Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune.  Today at around noon Eastern the Sun and Moon oppose each other in the polarity that we call the Full Moon. The Pisces Full…

I love a good mystery, and you probably do too.  Check out these 13 THINGS SENT TO TRY US from Michael Brooks via New Scientist – it’s almost enough to make you think there is more to this Universe than scientists can understand:  1.  Radiation left from the big bang is still glowing in the sky –…

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