The show on November 1st will be the rescheduled show for Saturn’s entry into Libra.  I’m also going to talk a bit about the upcoming square from Saturn to Pluto.  Many of my clients lately have upcoming transits from these two power players, so I’ll be talking about how best to anticipate and manage times…

by Lynn Hayes Those who decry Hallowe’en as a pagan holiday are, of course, correct!  In medieval Europe the pagan (country) people celebrated the the midpoint of the fixed signs as periods of power.  These times correspond to the fixed signs of Aquarius (Brigid in February), Taurus (Beltane in May), Leo (Lugh in July) and…

by Lynn Hayes You don’t think of Communist Russia as being a hotbed of astrological thought, but evidently Stalin’s seven Moscow skyscrapers were part of a plan to rebuild Moscow with astrological symbolism (hat tip to Astrococktail): Rumor has it that Stalin planned to re-build Moscow to make it look like a Zodiac table. The…

by Lynn Hayes Nearly two years ago, when Pluto had first entered Capricorn, I wrote this post about the new balance of world power which will likely see China at its head: Remember that Pluto rules over breakdown and destruction, followed by transformation. The elevation of Ceres to planet status has coincided with the eruption…

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