by Lynn Hayes Throughout this year, with Chiron and Neptune traveling together, many of my clients have called me with overwhelming feelings of grief.  Often there is an event that appears to have caused these intense emotions, but sometimes the feelings appear to stem from events that occurred long ago.  A client who had mourned…

by Lynn Hayes On Friday, NASA’s LCROSS mission will crash a rocket into a crater on the lunar surface at 7:30 am Eastern time.  The mission is designed to search for surface water in the polar regions of the Moon that normally cannot be easily seen.   The “bombing” of the Moon has elicited a…

by Lynn Hayes More space oddities: Astronomers have found a new ring around Saturn that is associated with Phoebe, one of its moons.  This is the largest ring found to date on the solar system and completely dwarfs the image of the planet as we see it. Interesting that when Uranus (new discoveries and anomalies)…

by Lynn Hayes No, it’s not science fiction!! According to NASA, galactic cosmic rays have intensified 19% over the past 50 years.  Scientists believe that the cause of this increase is the solar minimum which began in 2007 and is still occurring as we’ve seen in these pages.  The sun’s magnetic field is our first…

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