I am on vacation until November 12th, and until then I am posting some oldies but goodies along with more timely stories as internet access becomes available.  From 2007: Dharmaruci writes:     I’ve lately been feeling more dissatisfied than usual with the imaginary nature of the zodiac in modern astrology. The planets are in real…

by Lynn Hayes I’ll be on vacation until November 12th so forgive me if I don’t participate in the comments.  I will try to put up a timely post or two during that time, but meanwhile I’ve selected some oldies but goodies for you.  have a particular interest in energy medicine and the underlying causes…

by Lynn Hayes Sorry this comes a day late!  What with the Skywatch and the Full Moon I got a bit behind. 🙂 This is written for the Eastern time zone, please adjust for your own locality. 1.  Full Moon on the 2nd!  Moon is in Taurus, squared by Mars in Leo.  For more information…

by Lynn Hayes Crop circles don’t have anything to do with astrology, and perhaps they have no place in an astrology blog.  But I love a good mystery (my Mercury is in Scorpio – there!  I made an astrological connection).  From Professor A.J. Gevaerd, via Colin Andrews: [O]n October 29th, in the same town of Ipuaçu,…

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