Plumes of volcanic ash Beginning late in December, with Saturn and Pluto aligned in a tight challenging square formation,  seismic activity began to activate the Eyjafjallojokull volcano area.  The challenging square formation creates a buildup of energy that necessitates a release, often an explosion or crisis of some kind.  Obviously, the Saturn/Pluto square has not…

 Last year’s cold winter sparked a huge resurgence into the global warming debate.  If the earth is warming, why did we have a cold winter? We’ve been in a “Solar Minimum” since about 2006, a long period with virtually no solar activity.  I’ve been writing about this for quite some time in these pages as…

The Aries New Moon on April 14th brings with it a tremendous amount of fresh new inspiration. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and the sign that marks the beginning of Spring, and the New Moon is the beginning of the lunar cycle. So here we have the beginning of the solar cycle…

The National Health Interview survey found that disabilities for people between the ages of 50 and 64 are on the rise, a statistic that contrasts with a decline in disabilities for people aged 65 and over.   The age group in trouble is the one that was born between 1945 and 1960 which corresponds to…

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