This week on Sunday at 11 am EDT we’ll be discussing the conjunction of Pluto to Ceres and the environmental (Ceres) destruction (Pluto) from the past few weeks and what we might expect over the next few months as the cardinal planets continue to align and realign in their cosmic dance.  We’ll also talk about…

This will be interesting to watch in light of the absolute failure in the United States to have any kind of coalition or consensus between Democrats and Republicans.  Thanks to BBC News  for this table.  Oppositions require balance and integration, and in order to accomplish that each end of the scale needs to take on characteristics of…

The Dow Jones industrial average had a chaotic day yesterday, crashing more than 1000 points and then careening wildly back up.  At the end of the day the Dow had dropped about 3%. According to the Washington Post: Some price swings of stocks defied logic. The shares of  Accenture, a consulting firm, fell from $40 to…

Kathryn Cassidy tweeted yesterday: “The word ‘Reform’ is everywhere. It strongly correlates to the current Saturn/Uranus opposition as do the words Rebellion and Revolution.” She’s right about calls for reform being heard everywhere.  In the US we’ve had healthcare reform, but also financial reform, immigration reform.  Now, with the disaster in the Gulf, the new mayor…

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