I have been predicting for some time that the focus as Uranus moves into Aries (at the end of May) will shift from terrorist groups like Al Qaeda to the “lone wolves” who are operating primarily at their own instigation and with their own motives.   When an outer planet changes signs or begins a dance with…

Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry ended their relationship last week, although there are indications that the relationship actually ended weeks or months ago. Unfortunately there is a discrepancy on birth dates for Gabriel Aubry which makes it impossible to analyze his chart; some sources say January 4 1976, others say August 30 1976.  Not enough…

This show was pre-recorded because I’m out of town for the weekend so you won’t be able to call in today, but this is a fascinating interview with Chris Brennan, currently the Research Director for the National Council of Geocosmic Research and a graduate of Kepler College. Chris is one of a very few astrologers…

I’m out of town right now so I’m a bit delayed in posting the full article to my website, but here’s the introduction to help you get started on the month of May. I’ll be sending out my newsletter Sunday so if you want to sign up and receive the translations of these reports into…

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