This morning I wrote a long and well-thought out post about the 20-something generation.  Unfortunately, I made a big and stupid error by tagging that generation as the Pluto in Sagittarius generation.  Thankfully, I have brilliant readers who emailed me right away and called this to my attention.

Many of you know that in the best of times I am prone to typos and sloppy errors.  I like to blame this on my Gemini ascendant which is all too ready to move on to the next project.  But when Mercury is retrograde we tend to pay less attention to details which is why we often end up making big errors.

I’m just glad I have sharp readers who catch my mistakes before my articles get circulated in the wider world and cause me major embarrassment!  Especially with Neptune transiting my Midheaven and confusing my image in the outer world. 🙂

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