The Full Moon on Friday, October 22nd, is at the very last degree of Aries.  Aries is the sign of initiation and courage; the sign that inspires us to forge ahead despite our fears and anxieties and make things happen.  The 29th degree is a symbol of completion, and the Full Moon is the symbol of fulfillment and readiness for gestation.  There is a sense here of a readiness for personal growth and evolution that can come to fruition if our conscious intention reflects the purity of the Will. 

In this Full Moon we have the Sun at 29 degrees Libra opposite the Moon at 29 degree Aries.  The balance between Me and Others is the focal point of the Libra/Aries polarity, and with Venus, Libra’s ruling planet, currently unaspected and in her invisible phase of her retrograde journey, our connections with others can be obscured and confusing.  This gives the Aries Full Moon an opportunity to spring into action in a way that is more self-oriented than the Aries/Libra polarity would normally permit.

For a few days around the Full Moon we can feel more completely exactly who we are; less concerned with what others think and what others need from us.  This could create difficulties in our interpersonal relationships, especially with Mars in a challenging square to both Chiron and Neptune. 

The Sun and the Moon are harmoniously aspected by Chiron (the soul healer) and Neptune (the spirit dancer), which suggests that as we orient ourselves deeply with the Truth within healing can occur gently and gradually as long as we let go and let the beauty of the lunar energy unfold.  

However, a square of Mars to Neptune and Chiron may erode our confidence and fog the mind for a day or two, increasing our emotional sensitivity and the potential for hurt feelings and personal dramas.  Still, a harmonious sextile of Mercury to Pluto that is embedded in the Full Moon chart helps the mind (Mercury) to penetrate below the surface (Pluto) and reveal the essential Truth that lies underneath the drama or discussions.

Full Moon times are full of emotional and spiritual power; the Moon represents the heart of our being as well as our emotional heart, and during the Full Moon we have an opportunity to easily strip away the layers or protection that the personality builds to shield the Moon from danger, but which also separates us from our own hearts. 

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