Thanks to astrologers Deb Houlding and Martin Davis for posting a link to this article on Facebook. The Bank of Scotland has studied the performance of six different international stock indices over a period of several decades to determine a correlation between stock trading and the Moon.  The interesting thing about this article is that…

I couldn’t help but laugh at the synchronicity of this article in light of Saturn (challenges) in the sign of Libra (love and romance) at the moment: [Bedbugs] have become a sort of anti-Cupid for city singles, in some cases slowing the progress of budding relationships and in others bringing romance to a dead stop.…

Wall Street loves a good Republican victory, and yesterday the financial press said that the market was up in anticipation of the Republicans taking the House.  Today the story was that a market reached a new high after the Federal Reserve decided to buy up $600 billion in Treasury securities. Deborah at Wall Street Weather…

You can find the whole article here.  Meanwhile, here’s a tidbit for the first part of November: During the month of November three planets will change direction to move forward again and we will begin to feel a shift as energy is freed up for more movement.  When there is a high number of retrograde planets…

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