;I’ll be sending out my monthly newsletter with a simplified summary that is easier to understand, so if you’re not on my mailing list please sign up on my website here.  Meanwhile, here’s a hint of what is to come (and for more information about that big eclipse on the Solstice, read through the original article):

Skywatch for December
December begins with the Sun and Mars in Sagittarius, the sign that inspires us to reach beyond the limits of our day-to-day lives.  The only planet in retrograde motion right now is Uranus – the planetary rebel that seeks liberation from restriction.  Uranus will be turning direct (forward) on December 5th, and is at a standstill right now in preparation for its change of direction so its influence is at its peak, inspiring radical behavior and disruption in the natural flow of events.

Chiron and Neptune are still within a degree of each other in a conjunction that has been one of the prevalent planetary forces for the past two years.  Chiron and Neptune are the two great soul teachers, and under their auspices we have been forced to find the deeper truth that lies within rather than live a life of superficial comfort.  These two planets will begin to separate now and the emotional intensity of the past couple of years will begin to subside.

Venus has just entered Scorpio and Mercury has just moved into Capricorn, so we are deepening the reach of our relationships (Venus) and are developing a more pragmatic approach to the way we lay out the details of our lives (Mercury). In fact, Mercury is sextile Venus on the 1st, enhancing our appreciation of beauty and making it easier for us to communicate (Mercury) the secrets (Scorpio) that lie in our hearts (Venus).  This ease continues into the next day with a pleasant sextile from Mercury to Neptune, amplifying our creativity and helping us to tune more easily into the world around us.

However, during the first few days of the month we may feel an underlying tension as Mars moves into position to make a challenging square to Uranus.  Freedom and liberation are the keywords for these first few days, especially on the 3rd when this aspect culminates.  However, on the 3rd a sextile from Mars to Chiron motivates us to seek healing for our wounds which will help to mitigate the stress of the Mars/Uranus combination.  Prepare to feel distracted and perhaps irritable or angry if crossed.  Mars aspects lend themselves to carelessness and accidents for a few days.

For daily planetary news, visit my Facebook and Twitter pages.

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