The Mountain Astrologer magazine has been given a time of birth for Julian Assange, head of Wikileaks, from an unidentified source.  They write: 

Our source has requested anonymity, which we are respecting. Both Tem and I felt that the circumstances through which we got the information, and some other details, suggest that this is an authentic time. The source personally viewed, but was not able to make a copy of, Mr. Assange’s birth certificate.

Update: our source clarified what s/he saw: “The birth record (is) from the registry which has appended to it a copy of the birth certificate but the hour was not on the certificate but on the record in the registry files.”

I am normally suspect of unidentified sources of birth times, and as you’ll read in the comments from Australian astrologers, the method of data collection appears to be somewhat suspect since birth records there evidently do not include birth times and can be obtained only by a relative.

Until there is more clarification on the source of the birth time I think it’s safer not to speculate on what the chart might be.

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