Could the timing be more synchronistic?  Uranus enters Aries on Friday March 11, and a Day of Rage wave of protests is planned for Saudi Arabia on that day.  Aries is the sign that is ruled by Mars, the god of warfare and aggression.  Aries teaches courage and assertiveness, and Uranus rules radical change and…

Uranus will change signs this week, moving into Aries on Friday March 11th. Because Uranus rules sudden changes and shocking events, when it changes direction or changes signs it often signifies a radical shift in financial markets. With the stock market reaching historic gains, some analysts are debating that we are approaching another bubble, and others argue…

This is the conclusion to a three-part article.  You can catch up on Part I here, and Part II here. The gods are kind and they will be gracing us with a number of powerful harmonious transits to accompany the stressful times.  Chiron (the Soul Healer) and Neptune (the Soul Teacher) both move into Pisces this year…

Sorry about the delay, folks!  But my March report is posted and you can read the whole article here.  Meanwhile, here is the introduction to get you started on the month and I’ll have a more complete article on the New Moon later this afternoon. If you are not already on my mailing list please sign…

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