Now I KNOW we’re in the Aquarian Age! Deepak Chopra, the Ayurvedic physician who has done a great deal to bring holistic healing and Eastern mysticism to the West over the past many years (and fellow Beliefnet blogger)  is working on the creation of a video game to explain how the chakra system works. Since…

My readers will be relieved to know that over the next week or two the planetary energy is much more mellow than what we have been experiencing over the past few months, especially in July.  The outer planets which have created so much pressure and power are beginning to move away from each other and…

Rupert Murdoch is quite possibly the largest media baron in the world.  A native Australian, his reach extends throughout Asia, Europe, and the Americas and the list of media outlets he owns would strike terror into the heart of conspiracy theorist Glenn Beck  if his conspiracy research would include his own employer. Now it appears…

The Capricorn Full Moon the 15th occurs with the Moon in Capricorn opposite the Cancerian Sun. Signs in opposition are like the Yin/Yang symbol – each sign contains what the other lacks, and the Full Moon requires that we integrate those opposing forces. The Cancerian Sun is concerned with family and feeling – a connection…

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