My friend Robert Wilkinson has an interesting article today in answer to a reader’s question whether prophets and wise people can be revealed from their birthcharts.  Before I go into Robert’s response I’d like to weigh in myself and say no – there isn’t any way we can look at a horoscope cast for a…

Disclaimer: I am not a medical profession and I have no medical training.  I do, however, have a special interest in the astrological analysis of health effects. Ellen DeGeneres was treated on Monday for chest pains that began on Sunday.  Although she laughed off the pains on her talk show Monday, she was evidently sufficiently…

An inifinitude of miracles are waiting to emerge into your experience, if you are miracle-ready enough to receive them. Make yourself miracle-ready by giving up judgement,blame, attack, criticism, victimhood, obsession with yesterday or tomorrow, fear-based scripts or explanations and self-centered goals. This makes your mind an open vessel for the love that will then flow…

art by Wendy Andrew. The Sun entered Libra this morning at 5:04 am EDT (9:04 am GMT) , marking the Autumn Equinox in the turning of the wheel of the seasons.  The beginning of each season is marked by the entry of the Sun into one of the cardinal signs – the signs that initiate…

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