My friend Gary shared this article by Michael Meade and it’s so applicable to the current passage of Pluto through Capricorn.  Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, also known as the Greek Kronos, also known as “Father Time.”  Saturn and Capricorn remind us that our life is short and that we must be smart about how…

“Simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures. Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being. Patient with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are. Compassionate toward yourself, you reconcile all beings in the world.” ? Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching art from The Mandala Way

While I’m out of town I’m reposting some older articles you might enjoy. 1.  Your birthchart is much more than your Sun sign.  You have more than ten different astrological signatures in your chart!! The astrology that most people know comes from the horoscope in the newspaper.  If you’re an Aries, you’ll meet an interesting person…

Remembering September 11th art by Elaine Felos Ostrander. You will have a hard time ignoring the fact that today is the tenth anniversary of the September 11th attacks if you live in the United States.  There’s not a media outlet (including this one) that is letting today go by without a mention. I think we…

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