If you don’t already subscribe to Richard’s planetary forecast, I strongly recommend it. In his October forecast he notes that the Scorpio New Moon on October 26th is a SuperMoon with potential for significant geocosmic effects: The likelihood of destructive storms, seismic events (including magnitude 5+ earthquakes and volcanic eruptions) as well as extreme tidal surges…

Examining “Who am I” is like beginning to go to the movies just to see how the movie is made. As we first sit down in the dark theater we find that we are relating to the objects of the melodrama, the motion on the screen.  We pay attention to the story line, which we notice…

Despite lots of hysteria in some circles over Comet Elenin as a harbinger of doom, and more predictions by evangelical preacher Harold Camping that the world would erupt in flames on October 21st – we are still here.  Comet Elenin broke down into small pieces as it zipped by Earth, and with the disintegration of the comet…

It is my experience that the world itself has a role to play in our liberation. Its very pressures, pains, and risks can wake us up – release us from the bonds of ego and guide us home to our vast, true nature. For some of us, our love for the world is so passionate…

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