This week’s inspiration is the Grand Trine in Earth that is blessing us from the heavens over the next couple of weeks.  A Grand Trine occurs when three (or more) planets align in a triangular formation, dividing the circle of the zodiac into thirds.  The number three is a perfect number: it cannot be subdivided…

photos stolen from Beth Owl’s Daughter. Since she is a friend she probably won’t mind!  The Moon will reach its fullness in Taurus at 3:16 pm Eastern time (7:16 pm GMT) on November 10, 2011.  The Sun is in Scorpio, and with the climax of the lunar cycle at the Full Moon a tension exists…

Neptune and Chiron both change direction in a few days after traveling retrograde since earlier this year, which means their (apparent) motion has slowed to a virtual standstill as they prepare to move forward again.  These two have been tied together since early in 2009, and although the exact conjunction was complete in 2010, since…

At least that’s what I’m blaming it on.  Those of you on my mailing list already know this story, but after spending over two hours writing the November Skywatch a template glitch ate the entire thing before it could be posted.  Thanks to those of you who suggested writing the article in a Word document…

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