artwork by Jane Miluski WINTER SOLSTICE Journeying around the sun, at Yule, she turns furthest from the light. Here In the dark of the long night she is veiled, and here she comes to the fullness of her union with creation. To enter is to hold Death closest to our hearts. And as we do,…

Not being a sports fan I had no idea who Tim Tebow was, but as a student of human behavior this article in the New York Times intrigued me: Tebow tends to have his worst 45 minutes of play when it matters least and his best 15 when it matters most. And while he makes…

Astrologers everywhere are nodding their head.  Uranus in Aries square Pluto – Time Magazine names “The Protester” the person of the year.  Uranus: rebellion and radical change, in Aries: initiation and action.  Squaring Pluto, power, endings and transformation; in Capricorn, the structures upon which we build our lives such as governments and corporations. It’s so…

Last night I went to a birthday party for someone I have known for over 30 years, since I first moved to North Carolina.  A large group of us that were involved in the same meditation group relocated to North Carolina at the same time, but because I left that group in the mid-1980s there…

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